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Home  /  Merchant Program

New Retail Strategic Distribution Partnership Plan (Merchant Package)


Do you want your product to have a better conversion rate?

Most buyers would procrastinate their purchase because they are lack of a good reason for them to act now.

New Retail Strategic Distribution Partnership Plan (Merchant Package)

Extreme Merchant Package is a bundling sales program where we are using our leather goods as bundle products to create a high perceived value to end users. Through this bundling sales, we can boost up merchant's total sales revenue with min marketing cost.

Bundling is a marketing and sales strategy that encourage customers to purchase multiple items together; benefiting both seller and buyer.

Extreme merchant package provides a high leverage to merchants. Bundle products will be offered at discounted prices to  qualified merchants for them to run their promotion.


The main objective of bundle sales is to assist merchants to have a better conversion rate with a low cost.

To increase customer basket size and average order value.

We solve customer procrastination buying, by providing a good reason and creating an urgency on why they need to buy now.

  • Reduce your sourcing time for products.
  • Trustable product quality with one year product warranty.
  • Wide products selection to support the creativeness of your promotional campaign.
  • Potential saving and opportunities.
  • Standardize nationwide selling price.
  • No min order quantity needed to enjoy a high discount rate.
  • Hassle free, no storage and warehousing needed, avoid stock missing.
  • Stock is delivered directly to your buyer’s door step.
  • Referral commission is provided for referred customer future buyings.
  • Through collaboration, we could achieve a higher branding exposure.

How Does It Work?

Extreme Merchant Package
  1. Extreme Merchant Package is a sales program where we provide our leather goods exclusively for our Merchants to use for bundle sales.
  2. This bundle sales can help to create a higher perceive value to customers, making it easier to close deals.
  3. This merchant package provides customers a convincing reason for making their purchase on the spot.
For more information, please contact +6016-330 6310 or email us at info@extremeleatherco.com.

  1. 我们将真皮产品设计成配销方案,专给老板们配送。
  2. 我们的配销可将你的产品变得物超所值,更容易成交客户。
  3. 配销可以提供客户今天购买的理由。
想了解更多详情,请联系 +6016-330 6310电邮我们